Posted in: NMOS

NMOS 术语表

本文翻译了AMWA对于NMOS的术语表,供大家更好的理解NMOS中各个参数的定义。 原文链接: NMOS 术语表 In NMOS specs several common terms have specific meanings that you should be aware of. Many of these correspond to the glossary of the JT-NM Reference Architecture. 在 NMOS 规范中,您应该注意几个常用术语的特定含义。其中许多对应于JT-NM 参考架构的词汇表。 Several of these are formally defined in NMOS specs, but are described here for convenience. 其中一些已在 NMOS 规范中正式定义,但为了方便起见,在此处进行了描述。 Device […]

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